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User Management

Learn how to add user accounts and invite new users to Parade

Anthony Sutardja avatar
Written by Anthony Sutardja
Updated over a week ago

Once your company has become a Parade verified carrier, you can give access to your entire dispatch team and allow them to quote and book freight with your brokerage network. 

Let's walk through how to invite more users!

Once you're logged into Parade For Carriers you will be on the homepage, you can also use the button below to login:

Navigate to the menu on the top right of the screen, and select User Management. The button below will take you straight there. 

Managing User Accounts

Once your in the user management page you can:

  • Invite New Users

  • Delete Users

  • Adjust user Permissions

  • View Pending Invites

Invite New User

To invite a new user, simply click "Invite New User" and fill out the details. 

The new user will then have an invitation waiting in their email to complete their account creation. You will also see this invitation now under Pending Invites.

Simply have the user click "Get Started" in his or her email and then they can now login to Parade for Carriers and begin booking and quoting freight with your brokerage network. 

Begin adding users to your account today!

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